Results of Benchmark



EC2 m5.4xlarge

Key Value
vCPUs 16
Memory (GiB) 64.0
Memory per vCPU (GiB) 4.0
Physical Processor Intel Xeon Platinum 8175
Clock Speed (GHz) 3.1
CPU Architecture x86_64
Disk space 256 Gb

Details about the instance type


All the information provided for a default seed 42. Size on disk is a total size of compressed parquet files. An amount of rows depends of SEED that was used for generation of the data because an amount of transactions for each id (customer id) per day is sampled from binomial distribution.

See src/ for details of the implementation.

Tiny Dataset

Amount of rows: 17,299,455

Size on disk: 178 Mb

Unique IDs: 1,000

Tool Time of processing in seconds
PySpark pandas-udf 78.31
PySpark case-when 242.84
Pandas pivot 23.91
Polars pivot 4.54
DuckDB pivot 4.10
DuckDB case-when 36.59
PySpark Comet case-when 94.06
PySpark-4 polars-udf 53.06
PySpark pivot 104.21
PySpark Comet pivot 106.69

Small Dataset

Amount of rows: 172,925,732

Size on disk: 1.8 Gb

Unique IDs: 10,000

Tool Time of processing in seconds
Pandas pivot 214.67
Polars pivot 41.20
DuckDB pivot 28.60
DuckDB case-when 304.52
PySpark pandas-udf 516.38
PySpark case-when 1808.99
PySpark Comet case-when 729.75
PySpark-4 polars-udf 356.19
PySpark pivot 151.60
PySpark Comet pivot 131.29

Medium Dataset

Amount of rows: 1,717,414,863

Size on disk: 18 Gb

Unique IDs: 100,000

Tool Time of processing in seconds
Pandas pivot OOM
Polars pivot OOM
DuckDB pivot 2181.59
PySpark pandas-udf 5983.14
PySpark case-when 17653.46
PySpark Comet case-when 4873.54
PySpark-4 polars-udf 4704.73
PySpark pivot 455.49
PySpark Comet pivot 412.17